Ways To Find Freelance Writing Jobs

10 Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs (A Guide for Beginners)

Ways to find Freelance writing jobs

So you want to make money by building a freelance career. Do you know the ways to find freelance writing jobs? It may be hard in the starting.

There are people from all over the world who can give you an inferiority complex. It happens with the people whose first language isn’t English.

Whether we talk about the Asian countries or Europe, many talented writers don’t get what they deserve. It’s because they don’t have the skills to market themselves.

Learning the different ways to find freelance writing jobs is really important. When you’re just starting out, it can be hard to get a client.

What’re the Things You Should Try

Many freelance writers are making a living then why can’t you? The internet world is big enough to serve you the best you have always desired.

It depends on your landing pitch. Let me mention a few ways.

#1. Your Website is Your Asset

People ignore the fact that having a website means their online presence. Your clients need a proof that you are a real person.

You can’t just send a message to anyone without having a website. It requires your personal brand. Start a WordPress blog and publish some articles.

#2. Don’t Underestimate the Job Boards

You may read Newspaper and check the job ads online. People genuinely need someone talented like you. You should pitch the job boards for sure.

Just a few days ago, I noticed a job ad offering $50 to $300 per article related to digital marketing. It may seem odd to many but there are many companies which want freelance writers.

You can add a job board to WordPress.

#3. Human Bonds Always help

In this blogosphere, people are always happy to connect with someone who is good enough to teach them. It’s not just about writing, there are many other qualities.

Freelance writing jobs

Let’s say you’re a tech writer and it’s obvious that not everyone is good with this. Comment on other blogs, connect with the pro bloggers.

#4. Tell, You’re Available

You can create a page on your website to share your previous work and the rates you’re expecting per article. Start telling within your circle that you’re for hire.

Every time you see an opportunity, you should give a hint that you can be the person they have been looking for. Whether it’s on anyone’s blog or any social media platform.

#5. Search for Startup Companies

As you all know, every startup company requires some freelance writers. You can either visit a local company or a remote company.

There are many web design and development companies which are looking for the social media marketers, freelance writers, tech advisors and many others.

#6. Facebook Groups Always help

No doubt that Facebook is one of the most engaging social media platforms. You may have encountered with a few groups having thousands of members.

This can be overwhelming sometimes but if you have to invest a few days to get the right opportunity. This is one of the best ways to find freelance writing jobs.

#7. Twitter Can be Lucrative

Everyone knows that Twitter has become more like a business website instead of a micro-blogging website. People are pitching their business gigs.

If you follow a few reputed Twitter handles, you can have a direction to find a perfect job. The companies like ProBlogger, CopyBlogger also seek someone better.

#8. Start with a Content Agency

This is something which may have a low success rate because it’s not that easy to find an opening in an agency.

There are many copyrighting agencies which always seek for the better freelance writers. In the last couple of years, the demand has increased a lot.

#9. LinkedIn Jobs’ Board

Find freelance writing jobs

Personally, I prefer LinkedIn as the best platform to build a business. I have been using this for many years and being a LinkedIn influencer, I can tell how amazing this is.

You can easily find the jobs’ boards. The companies hire tons of content writers. Just send them an email with your samples and you can get a great job.

#10. Have a Tendency to Amaze Your Clients

You may seek for many ways to find freelance writing jobs but nothing is better than wow your clients. Just from the moment you get your first client, you should start providing the qualitative content.

People want you to surprise them with something they have never read. Every person has the different opinions on the same topic.

Is there any other Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

You may have something else in your mind. Well, the most important thing is to market your talent. People can’t come to know about you until you show them.

LinkedIn is the place where you can wow thousands of people with your one status update. You can engage 100+K people on a single post.

You can either start with the LinkedIn Pulse platform or use a company page. I would recommend building connections with the influencers.

There are company CEOs, recruiters, marketers, bloggers, and many others who seek for the freelance writers. I am sure you can use these ways to find freelance writing jobs.

The most important thing is to keep trying. If you liked the article, you can connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello Ravi,

    Great tips over here ?

    The online world is now days full of people who are willing to work as a freelancer and companies too are looking for

    these types of people who can get their work done at a low cost.

    People over these platforms are pretty much talented and they can have some serious writing skills with in them which can

    help a company to grow.

    Still there are many people who are looking to work as a freelancers but ain’t getting the best oppurtunities to work with.

    Indeed social media platform can always act as a helping hand, joining in Facebook groups, engaging our self on Twitter

    do creates chances for us.

    These are some great tips for the people who work as freelancers and are looking for jobs.

    Thanks for the share.


  2. Hey Ravi!

    These days I don’t think is very hard to find freelance writing gigs. You just have to really put in the time and effort to find potential clients.

    LinkedIn is a great place to connect with people who might be looking for freelance writing services. I would also try facebook groups.

    One thing that is very important, and you have mentioned it here, is to have your own website. You want to build that because it will be your online portfolio. Your own blog site is your store where you showcase your skills and offer your services. I highly recommend doing this!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Cheers! ?

  3. Hi Ravi,

    Very valuable information here.

    I think the difficulty with finding freelance writing jobs is that most of them underpay grossly.

    So it’s not just a matter of finding work … it’s also a matter of finding Fair paying work.

    I think making personal connections is always the best way to go.

    LinkedIn seems like the best platform for that.

    But also, like you said, just keep an eye on what’s going on in your niche or industry (like new startups, or underperforming blogs etc) and contact people before they feel like they have to advertise for writers.


  4. Hi Ravi,

    Great article here. You brought out the main points and tips on how to get freelance writing jobs.

    I have always advocated he idea of networking with other like minded individuals.

    Networking with other freelance writers is also a great way to get freelance writing jobs.

    Job boards, Facebook groups, etc are remarkable ways to get writing jobs.

    However, another strategy that has worked for me is to tell friends about what I do and ask for recommendations to their business friends and associates. It works really well.

    Thanks for this insightful article.

  5. Hello, Ravi!

    You’re very right on these!

    #1 is the killer.

    Imagine not having the shop of your own and even trying to sell something in the market, none will give a trusting sign.

    And the human bond does help… a lot, in that case, to draw the direct attention to you.

    And that’s easily done with having the own blog, updating it regularly with the best.

    I had tried just a few of them for a month and had a very good result, seriously!

    Will continue to work on the writing work in 2018! ?

    And that’s the best content of yours to point to in this regard!

    Best one, buddy! Best!

    ~ Adeel

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